How do I make eLinkMe replay a saved password?
eLinkMe offers several ways to recall and play stored passwords.
1) Manually, by physically navigating through their password profiles (using voice messages) until they find the one they want and then selecting it.
2) Automatically, by associating password profiles with specific websites/documents/applications.Built in the eLinkMe Manager application is a special tool designed to make this simple. All the eLinkMe user has to do, is drag the eLinkMe password icon, on to the application where it needs to be replayed. The eLinkMe Manager application will automatically match the application with a password profile. For example, dragging the icon on to a website with the Facebook page open, will result in the eLinkMe manager application locating and replaying the Facebook password, once the user confirms the action using the proximity sensors.
3) Remote support experts have access to password profiles. If a remote user requests use of a stored password, the local user must approve it by holding the proximity sensor.